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关于认领长期积存校内物品的公告Notice on Claim of Long-term Storage of Stuff
发布日期:2024-04-30 阅读:









Notice on Claim of Long-term Storage of Stuff


Dear international student,

According to the unified arrangement of the school, the long-term storage of baggage will be disposed of, it is hereby notified as follows. The list of international students involved is detailed in the attachment. Please contact your school teacher to claim it within the valid period.

If it remains unclaimed within three months, the school will conduct centralized processing of unclaimed stuff.

Publicity period: April 30th - July 29th, 2024

Notice is hereby given(This notice is issued in both Chinese and English. Refer to the Chinese version if there is any dissent).


School of Law

Zhejing Gongshang University

April 30th, 2024

关于认领长期积存校内物品公告List of international students of long-term storage of baggage on campus:http://law.zjgsu.edu.cn/upload/file/20240430/20240430101846404640.xlsx

上一条: 浙江工商大学法学博士后科研流动站招收公告(2024年) 2024-05-06
下一条: 2024年度国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目法学院推报校级选拔作品公示 2024-04-28

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