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Kwadwo Osei Bonsu published 3 articles on peer-reviewed journals
发布日期:2020-08-16 阅读:

Kwadwo Osei Bonsu is currently a PhD Candidate in School of Law and Intellectual Property and School of Economics, Zhejiang Gongshang University. He majors in Sciences of Economics in Rule of Law. Since 2019, Kwadwo Osei Bonsu has published three articles on peer-reviewed journals. His excellent academic performance has made him a model among international students.


In June 2019, Kwadwo Osei Bonsu’s paper An Economic Analysis of Consumer Right Protection in E-Commerce: Testing Efficiency Using the Principles of Contract Law was published on Journal of Progressive Sciences. This paper devices a quantitative tool called ‘the epitomized risk-benefit analysis’ to be used by e-commerce platforms, regulators and courts in analyzing the risk involved in online transactions and then lays out a mechanism through which the loss of economic opportunity of users can be accounted for in cyber transactions.


In August 2020, Kwadwo Osei Bonsu’s article Mechanism of Instrumental Game Theory in the Legal Process via Stochastic Options Pricing Induction, which is co-authored with Professor Chen Shoucan, the Former President of Zhejiang Gongshang University, was published on Asian Research Journal of Mathematics. This article uses mathematical induction, stochastic calculus and game theory to analyse how negotiations fail; proposes a methodology for estimating a fair bargain in litigation. It also proposes a way to calculate the optsimum transaction cost in a legal process in order to induce early settlements thereby increasing efficiency.


Kwadwo Osei Bonsu also co-authored a paper with Professor Song Jie, Vice Dean of School of Law and Intellectual Property. They published the articleTurbulence on the Global Economy influenced by Artificial Intelligence and Foreign Policy Inefficiencies on Journal of Liberty and International Affairs. This paper posits that advancement in artificial intelligence (AI) might replace some jobs however new ones will be created if the necessary economic and legal instruments are put in place. It also proposes an AI-based foreign policy and implementation, while asking questions such as: could AI become the real ‘invisible hand’ discussed by economists?

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下一条: 韩国首尔高等法院EuiYoung Lee 法官为法学院留学生做讲座 2019-10-26

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